Hagar Sammy - Long road to cabo .

Dagproduct overzicht
Aanbieding is geldig van 09/02/2014 00:00 tot 10/02/2014 00:00
Prijs: €9.79 (van: €16.79, voordeel korting: 42%)

Hagar Sammy - Long road to cabo . (DVD)
DVD 1: The Long Road To Cabo Documentary met uitvoeringen van Red - Rainy Day Woman #12&35 (Rehearsal Performance) - Shaka Doobie - Wild Thing (with Ted Nugent) - Runaround - Rock Candy - Best of Both Worlds - Eagles Fly - When It's Love - Pound Cake - Heavy Metal - Rock and Roll (with Gary Cheronne) - Top of the World - The Real Deal
DVD 2 - Bonus Disc: Video Commentary - Discography - Trivia Game - Music Videos - Sammy's Kitchen - Sing With Sammy - The Vault
Special Features
W... (Meer info)
DVD 1: The Long Road To Cabo Documentary met uitvoeringen van Red - Rainy Day Woman #12&35 (Rehearsal Performance) - Shaka Doobie - Wild Thing (with Ted Nugent) - Runaround - Rock Candy - Best of Both Worlds - Eagles Fly - When It's Love - Pound Cake - Heavy Metal - Rock and Roll (with Gary Cheronne) - Top of the World - The Real Deal
DVD 2 - Bonus Disc: Video Commentary - Discography - Trivia Game - Music Videos - Sammy's Kitchen - Sing With Sammy - The Vault
Special Features
W... (Meer info)