Spelcomputer incl. 7 games
Dagproduct overzicht
Aanbieding is geldig van 26/09/2009 00:00 tot 27/09/2009 00:00
Prijs: €27.50 (van: €42.50, voordeel korting: 36%)
Spelcomputer incl. 7 games (gadget)
7 sporten: tafeltennis-tennis-basketbal-golf-boksen-bowlen-voetbal.
Wireless receiving way infra-red band. Receiving distance: 1-4 m.
4 LED status indicator. Auto power-off after 3 minutes no operation.
7 sporten: tafeltennis-tennis-basketbal-golf-boksen-bowlen-voetbal.
Wireless receiving way infra-red band. Receiving distance: 1-4 m.
4 LED status indicator. Auto power-off after 3 minutes no operation.
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