Programeerbare Stekkerdoos

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Aanbieding is geldig van 06/05/2012 00:15 tot 07/05/2012 00:15
Prijs: €24.95 (van: €39.95, voordeel korting: 38%)

Manual switching of every socket on and off from the software control window Switching sockets on and off according to the timer schedule of events, typical applications include: “switch my peripherals on every working day at 8:50 AM” etc. Switching sockets on and off when a certain event occurs (Windows or other programs startup/shutdown), typical applications include: “switch my scanner on when I want to scan” or “switch my printer off whenever I exit Windows” The unit can be assigned a network name as a shared LAN resource and can be afterwards accessed and managed from anywhere within the local area network or Internet Preprogramming of the hardware-based event time schedule. The hardware schedule will work even with the managing computer switched off Voltage monitor USB interface lets SIS-PMS to be connected to any computer and controllable if Power manager software is installed Hardware button to switch off the sound alarm
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